Friday, 27 September 2019

Post 64 - Gaining Superpowers Made Easy

 It is called EHF or ESP or Human Function. Type it with china or chinese children, it will make results.

 Someone asked me for a few tips on "lifting the blinkers", getting more psychee/5D+ ability.

 - Feel that you can look up, and look towards the higher realms, "look up".

- Believe anything is possible

- Have a knowing anything can travel at lightspeed ("it is just quick", it's true) including your own thought

- Activate the body (what science would say the brain, but astral says, is a *whole mind* = a body!)
Listen to one of these a day, very moving for me.
My new college psychology teacher said philosophy is moved away from in recent years, not Greek, but I think using the mind to understand ALL-EXISTENCE-EVERYTHING is just the best and most solid way, since, I have a good reason - That video tells why.

Once you know of reincarnation, and travelling outside of your physical vessel because you were not just this one person and life, then watch that #Ijustthinkiknow #memoryregressions

What I gave above, was requested as a response to "removing sight blocks" how you specificly worded it.

One more thing:

- "You have more than the 5 senses"

You have many many! These are unused. WHY ARE YOU UNUSING YOUR PERCEPTION? Command it: Now activate!

Active voice speaks, repeats,: TURN ON ALL OF YOUR SENSES.
Poetry: Like you will jump to every sound you hear so intently, like you can tell what is infront if you when you look down, like you will predict the traffic lights going green, and like the world opened up and you did disappear to see it all...

As a mature enlightened adult, to reason the last bit, I ended up loving imperatives. If you're not the same, that's okayπŸ˜€
It is my own 'magic spell'

That is finished, but I have an astral safety tip, If you need help and can't connect to an ARCHANGEL, you need to know a few more lightbeings of assistance, one is the dolphins in the ocean, fairies (lots of news stories like "university professor takes photos of fairies from his garden"), also, elves/brownies, these type of earth spirits *visible and interactable in the astral*)
Have a large list of and remember them, never get trapped in Astral, mention the word Arcturians too, they will immediately put you back in your body >>as emergency service providers.

Have fun travelling space and time realms!

Update 1/4/2020
Never give up because you normally have abilities without you knowing it, especially if you have a true genuine drawing to this content, like it's meant to be fate and you have no harmful egoistic intentions. In China's Super Psychic books, which I would recommend or any Paul Dong book, even Empty Force has lots of reference to psychic phenomena, there is a boy that knocks his friend's pocket, he sees a cigarette packet, and the writing on it was exactly the same as his mind-see vision he had. He then started to guess the hidden item to his village and surrounding cities, making him famous. In secrecy, the governments have tested hundreds of thousands of children for same standard abilities successfully/"positive" (Chinese tested 100,000+ from 1990-1997).
You've GOT TO watch the videos in this YouTube playlist "Useful Gong":

Believe in yourself, and daily persistence will fly you far

Another thing to add, as well as learning everything Spiritual until I was like these guys as a joke:
I read books like Flower of Life Drunvalo, Hands of Light Barbara, and all the reiki, indigenous tribe, Egyptology, etc books in the library. Everything referred to in that video was crystal-clear to me.
My own AdVeNtUrE: I studied Alternate Health and Anatomy at a university as a one year course, then I applied for Chiropractic, and also read the books at 2 libraries about it. They are healerss who are always referred to as the masters of the spine, and they also believe the Central Nervous System (CNS) and brainmatter nerveimpulses are involved so intercconnectedly with thought, almost like DNA healing with a true motivation that "the body can heal itself". If you search "Mctimoney Chiropractic" you can see the flicks, these send nervous impulses that reallign the spine and skeleton, bringing it to health. I slowed the videos down to 0.25 but the practitioners are very too quick with the flicks to have clear shots. I really recommend the treatment too, but I'm just throwing out the subject and the concept which I'm studying at university, and after qigong and ki bending, what motivated me there.

From CharLye iCEM

If you think I'd make a fantastic pyschic or spiritual teacher for yourself or your child, I am happy to visit your house to teach for an express fee in the UK area (after lifts of virus regulations) or by Skype calls. Please get in contact by the comment section or by my fb, youtube, or email.
You will also like the other post I made called "shaoe space and dimensions"

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