Friday 15 July 2022

Elven person asking for refuge ad. 🧝🏻🧝🏻🧝🏻🧝🏻‍♂️🧝🏻‍♂️🧝🏻‍♂️🧝🏼‍♀️🧝🏼‍♀️🧝🏼‍♀️🧝🏼🧝🏼🧝🏼🧚🏻‍♀️💆🏻‍♀️

I am a Sindarin species. I have connection through the soul to Xylanthia. I have aquatic tail. I go into the Lord's s area when I LOTR run around the planet or have thought in the mind, loves to rule over people-worldin- intelligent/refine* and distinguished/magnificent. I am in all tribes, I am very communicative and desirable. I am partially sighted and &mobility disrupted& so I need lots of family sympathy and empathy for my cause, for you to give me a life, and a good living ‘space’ with you and your '4D' household. I have room service by the bell, Grede-nuihai. Fr15I am trained to ride Dragons (nothing specialth, you are probably capable) and my speciality is knowing God with animals7/22. I love iceskating, too. I hope to get sorted by Somerset or Oxfordteam.

From CharlyeBlue/Aisem.

Wednesday 19 August 2020

Open Post - Telepathy

>The floor went from grey to black. I do my own. (Safe RightSide BeMe). Pull Tron car/bike out, if breaking the stick makes the bike, then if I jump it will, I (have&)should jump (haveshould, hard"Should" must/oughttoP➡haveshouldT). [The way I'm reached is different Umacesprahr, physical+kidneys rather than dimensions+upper.]
 What is my next stage? T is my next stage out of primativity, "when i" go into qigong. I'm not racist but I'm not ready for the higher people I need.[I never understood language, I'm like a primative Lyran, I just could tellwhattheyaresaying.](relates to next addition). [I CAN READ "but i can't write..." (`take the pen and rewrite it`, `creator`) this equates to I can direction+hear but not completelyany+see (view from undertheeyes seeing), and planetnav but not >skytravel<, "as a genuine honest martyr" not "with your creator" but I thought martyr meant saviour/hero rather than "a person who is put to death or endures great suffering on behalf of any belief, principle, or cause" phoneticly.]Mind is NonP= Makes it outside, but "thoughts make full circles" I don't know at all. I'm ourggwuar"feral". Time is endless nonexistent likespaceexplorerforever ➡ >Time is events, "Time" is on the LeftSide, RightSide it (space is physical, usePicanability)<. Ds=R+Space, T=(R+Time)+(Within+Lspace). Back➡(FrontForwards)within [The stars move around the Earth, the circle O⤵ planet turns slowly, all the things on the planet are there... The point then THE STARS ARE ALWAYS TURNING AROUND YOU+it. A flash of Orange,letitBeTheOneHoldtheorange GoExtranterja(workforeign)Land➡Country➡PlanetsStars➡Other'sStars].[Uswitch from Oplanet to Tthings]13TouchermeThen+T+Myconscious for sufficient internal parts for within to *start* developing. MentallyDoing+Hearing/streaming2U+Listening are 3 seperate things I can't do together but a Triangle in shape for me, when 3 is There. Worst⬅Best opposites: Not ifiputyourwherecan'tseeExpert but if you can't see where your hands are going to go fullcircle (I can't seewell but it's not anything about what you see it's what you do Withinarea“→”goto*), and a merfolkupthenose, I'm a person in the middle of the land, on the highest summit, the central point of my being and my T. *Think: Do and taek(choose:pick!<<<inLLang). If you action, purely because of T, you produce code, just pushsides lots; this is loading real "numbers" into the Earth. Brainheart coherence, then pickT, then dTRO travelwidestcircumstanceworldhas>atPointofMe, by travellingthe14DHD ̄。Te le vision. Do (haiyaheart)higher version: Head/brain➡Heart➡choosetake➡dT, it's a bubble of Me.
[0When reading, the ends1
1match up, by Endon, but not the0]
Don't fear in any way, or Any Red (is always at the point) when I have understanding of discrimination being a wrong of putting people below you of the same stuckinflat"personheirarchy". Open to the highest dimension 14D+ and receive Christened Light from the Galactic Central Sun, the lights should be ideally green (perfection).
1Lines, do middles smalltobig first, to do them the other way is possible but more difficultbkwdsskill. {Also1Line is like Numberzila it has the rules but they are set, as long as you notice the grid everything is easy, don't try hard unless you need that gearup. Within: Notice that you are inside your own thought, and everything else has potentialtobethought, andthis quantasmanytimes. Autojump to answers by ridethewave anothersthought("t") just make sure it's correct. Puttingthings togetherislike math, 6and1:make7, put two things together and it makes a room. And you get psychicdensityinformation from Tnavstream. Numzila: 1Matching2s, add to 10 accrossanddown, 2thendogapsdown 2match/+to10 3vertical 2match/+to10 4readaccrossendstart matches, gridonescanned.}
A flat line all broken (importantmemorythought) has a backdrop of Physical existence, it's not lacking MDionality the construction has all things in it from going Within Way, if can Yellow that, can internal then withWithin GoOut&Docircles too.
Orange: You can't muddy up TronBlueLight, there's all my Red(+ability,female) then this step clears any suspicion I'm not a TBlueLight person. Any ability eg of time perception far beyond my own journeys of mind/mental are not restrainted in any manner. Noworrysregarding "ability"(male/inyang).
AaSceptesemia: Where you're really used to the magic, Merlin, Angels, Fairies, and TPchildren all in one day on 3D experience.
[Under (Me)My(Own) Skin]
[Smallmindedplace of3Dslavejuststarseed thoughtmindsinthepeople notwhite are bluepurplevioletlacking it is small too, I'm all "LeftSided" in nature (develop and usegoldmight), but the people are male+rightfemaled(drift in theconstructionspace).] Air=T100%.
亿亿(yì): hundred million.Pictophonetic: 乙 indicates the sound;  亻conveys the meaning. 亻 [ rén ] man, person; people
乙 [ yǐ ] second; 2nd heavenly stem
Example Words:
亿万 [ yì wàn ]: millions and millions
以亿计 [ yǐ yì jì ]: to number in the thousands
亿万富翁 [ yì wàn fù wēng ]: billionaire; multimillionaire
P is Solid, a line of boxes on the floor, but the first50 AboveT is Straightvertical UP "|" to the Left.

8/8[Perfect(beautiful6)+Ideal(structurephiMagicintentionexpressionsspeech)+IN(Uinvert⬅direction)+T4(T4!MoveT.)][Orange Don'tStopOn 6density, just keep Breathing! Because sidetosidefailurelyricsxdarkhorselightstarsmusiso][If you scream Deep<--INTO me you find my 7density.][I am very intelligent, this must be said and presented, otherwise I look stupidwhichimnot.]
Tpullontheback (fatinandup) is actually returntoB1.
Alive➡Lie, sounds similar, means the polarity, "is truth".
The beautiful sparks, the Chinese mobilegames with 8D+ intricate detail are the polarswing. I stitchweave when bad, weave when improving, and see it as normal 3Dness when I'm 8density.
1line➡Openline, correctlengthsamelength because:starttoendone

6/8[I don't have flat perception and I need to discover that, it's flat in terms of MD/TP. If I don't quite turn to look at things, I see them like I have another head that turns of thought eyesthoughtdensity/material. Below epcot, like 4D before 5D is hard/chipackt. And hearing can tune in, I'm extraterrestrial friendly.]

[Think like infinitysymbol/bodypophandstohipswirlupandhandsbacktoonhips my inner(secondeye) goes outandreturns(thirdeye) as well as my outer basic1(firsteye/myskin) because (when castleofglass=U) this Left(2nd)leftloop(things that are up to me to make exist for me eg my house) and Right(1→3)rightloop(things that are external for example a requirement to respond to another) works, as well as the △3 TP (blurrysubtitlesnosee) way. The outside is the GLASScastle=U, and Left around Thought:][To the Left 1 aThought,  2 drawn on paper comegoreturn 3 seethroughbarrier seetheinvisible 4 inverted language, mystomachhealsme mindtravelbacktwotimes 5 fourtimes.][Without Red?(Floorvortex) I go to the physical floor vortex. It's not the answer, up and Thought balance STAY IN THOUGHT is Ans).][I'm going into Thought/Blue clairaudience-first/backwards sorta. INVERT EVERYTHING "3" boy isn't figurative, in mind is person too, but in my within area🙆UNWRAVEL➡🗣Let me think (repeat)🙏🙏💁.]

7/8 [Leftbrain: See it, thinkit, observe physically, not the huge 4D see inside things then thought process. Nothing else there, live 3D NowNowNow. (T "notime") Physical and eyesight, with it's focus/zoom/detail realism perception. Thought is when you have a masterpiece you use a skapel to drag along the paper blurring the work (using resourse twice) but physical is producing it like drawing artwork INTOIN_3D-physical=DENSE/BASIC1CONSCIOUS EYESIGHT+hearing. 2nd+T=Belowepcot. Taste is the sense `in the mind` corresponding. Controls: Wakeup(goup)<to advanced thought>➡Sleep(godown)<to easier>. T-Touch+(notsurfacestextures, or pain)skinsensesPtouchSenseeverythinghas, P=roomT=Quanta, this is 6thdensity/6DB, I'm now a 6DB, "despath" person has no spaceship but knows the higher dimensions exist.]
[Any experience quanta = Up to the topvotrex/hold without developing the lowers. Got a midblock thought. I don't inhibit by self / ego to access, it's other blockages.][Very physical is multidimensional hollograms but thought is not about linear:passivetalk but fluidity.]
[Air➡sc(st)ream ions like the ioniser, "WE'RE too heavy for themto react!"!]

[Space chanting: Slow it down like you're ondrgs then the things that appear in the dark have more complexity.][Watermelon sugarhighpie lyrics, Chandelier instrumental AllTheTime.]

Goodenough is Pfem but ofyang Not enough at TP, let the empty fill up.

Do not at all be a mother who knows her child the most of anyone, BE IN YOUR OWN MIND, life lived now smartsmart.

English is a grumble, I have Parsley. I will show language acquisition if I learn LLang, "direct meaning".

[Essential advice to all breathtarians: Take supplements, small items that dissolve in water or are to swallow in one like vitamins and good metals.]

[An ultimate man goes from his pe**s to his pineal and the energy onHD,HDview rises up, an ultimate female goes from 80% of her energy reserves used during reproductive menstruation to the kidneys, the glucose requirement to the brain for thought function gets rebalanced at the lower stomach for the kidneys. Atmosphere of Air and Earth+Planet.]

138[Going by how I feel is NOT intelligent, my realmother was celebrating and saying she was relaxed but nowthemoment the fighting requires backup, the celebration is less%important, the need is understood.]

[Lingustic ability: TopLNonlitteral(unifiedphrases eg this basement holds the world's dust), BotRStructure(config+allLanguage), TopRExpression("a voice"peoplemoveSOlangGoes), BotL(On"T")]

158[I opened to the P side like a cartwheel backside backtwists but the T side was to twist the torso dependent on the leg location and to twist until straighten out. The torso purely benefits the legs important development 1/4 above O色。 Figures knows if you turn go right you must go back by left. T is that you must turn the torso left and (brackets: as the legs go) continue turning left to finish. Hardcore. I was aiming for perfection, but not... Perfection. Update: The right side pulls right in the full left turn T. Left foot first LeftIN, but you turn to the right, follow the right leg to the move.]
[It's a small world➡It's a Hollow Earth (afterall+crystal PlanetIN(twicetwice,overfence,iS)]

16/8[T is all around me! (W use) Time is too, the total highest level (nonlinear previous living +AnyET-Gwide), and`space`traveltoit(Onlyoutside). IS ME (female maleended) Not me because is world's Ultimate Hollow.][Timelessness: Let's talk about some new multidimensional attributes. This may not make sense, because now we are going to depart from linearity. You're going to remember future lives. Immediately, you agree, "Kryon, that doesn't make sense." So be (readied and mentally developed at)open enough to *remember Future* as much as the past. Even more, any one way goes the other.]

Greenpen sheet with T sheet, draw on circumstance➡(➡runthroughtheroomYinstyle)Throughgo:manythings, come back out to W (like backto->P)

[Boy/Maleman is a monster because it has so many pathbranches(T them*) that are Pbacked plantstems(never touch them, just *T Travel)... "I'm (many voices:) creeping in your heartspace, I'm all your dreams".]

[TPTK: I have seen "use your anger, be as angry as you can, your mother was taken away from you, use that force", and deeper than dT there is a good use of this. The word "an-ger" is like hook and pull.]

T, chi/ki, 'breath'(veryfine)*➡Branches (don't just stare, knowThere) *thinnestandlightest(finest)=ExistingAbove! KNOW IT IS EXISTING ABOVE, don't go upper+branches, too deep, go back to W.

18/7[The Partition T I don't | P Know why.]12DArchangelbeing.

[Tool using is primative ascension. Advanced ascension is AbilityThought (T) + Pure Mind (P). Who is consuming is only ME, "got yourself this flawless body achingout from head to toes" #genuine. Voice+AbilityThought(/+)T=StrongLeaderLady.]

[A life in any form is a life]

[I mustP get "On The GridT" because there's nothing left, no P, no T, noupper?? "There is loss when I am without Tthe Grid"
(subliminalrepetitivelong). Strong enough to be something temporary, complete P200%(190%+), open to the next Above "I know what it is and how to use it"Anything. TronLightstuff is Ousamuri and Above people's.]Something lit up is the same as something ordinary, I don't want a litup walkingstick but it looks nice, it has no other makeup(bkwdsP) other than what I'll learn on the next backupedlevels. [Colourvortexes (openfan) Closed version (structure `"travel"`_to_) Room. +Not colours, the vortex itself "6"T is "above epcot". "Backhanded" version of construction.][1ofT, 2Temporal, 3Above, 4INroom (bubble/bubbles like) _Bottom going up outerexternals, iSunphoneticcoronarim, inHollowPlanet, Feet, RedFloor, 1Think2_to_Back3W4Explore("Go")  ̄Top frominside foreheadUV, Atmosphererim, SSrim, Grimshiwidearea (concentricmap"zoom"like). Lightlang Karatree uratree.]

Friday 27 September 2019

Post 64 - Gaining Superpowers Made Easy

 It is called EHF or ESP or Human Function. Type it with china or chinese children, it will make results.

 Someone asked me for a few tips on "lifting the blinkers", getting more psychee/5D+ ability.

 - Feel that you can look up, and look towards the higher realms, "look up".

- Believe anything is possible

- Have a knowing anything can travel at lightspeed ("it is just quick", it's true) including your own thought

- Activate the body (what science would say the brain, but astral says, is a *whole mind* = a body!)
Listen to one of these a day, very moving for me.
My new college psychology teacher said philosophy is moved away from in recent years, not Greek, but I think using the mind to understand ALL-EXISTENCE-EVERYTHING is just the best and most solid way, since, I have a good reason - That video tells why.

Once you know of reincarnation, and travelling outside of your physical vessel because you were not just this one person and life, then watch that #Ijustthinkiknow #memoryregressions

What I gave above, was requested as a response to "removing sight blocks" how you specificly worded it.

One more thing:

- "You have more than the 5 senses"

You have many many! These are unused. WHY ARE YOU UNUSING YOUR PERCEPTION? Command it: Now activate!

Active voice speaks, repeats,: TURN ON ALL OF YOUR SENSES.
Poetry: Like you will jump to every sound you hear so intently, like you can tell what is infront if you when you look down, like you will predict the traffic lights going green, and like the world opened up and you did disappear to see it all...

As a mature enlightened adult, to reason the last bit, I ended up loving imperatives. If you're not the same, that's okay😀
It is my own 'magic spell'

That is finished, but I have an astral safety tip, If you need help and can't connect to an ARCHANGEL, you need to know a few more lightbeings of assistance, one is the dolphins in the ocean, fairies (lots of news stories like "university professor takes photos of fairies from his garden"), also, elves/brownies, these type of earth spirits *visible and interactable in the astral*)
Have a large list of and remember them, never get trapped in Astral, mention the word Arcturians too, they will immediately put you back in your body >>as emergency service providers.

Have fun travelling space and time realms!

Update 1/4/2020
Never give up because you normally have abilities without you knowing it, especially if you have a true genuine drawing to this content, like it's meant to be fate and you have no harmful egoistic intentions. In China's Super Psychic books, which I would recommend or any Paul Dong book, even Empty Force has lots of reference to psychic phenomena, there is a boy that knocks his friend's pocket, he sees a cigarette packet, and the writing on it was exactly the same as his mind-see vision he had. He then started to guess the hidden item to his village and surrounding cities, making him famous. In secrecy, the governments have tested hundreds of thousands of children for same standard abilities successfully/"positive" (Chinese tested 100,000+ from 1990-1997).
You've GOT TO watch the videos in this YouTube playlist "Useful Gong":

Believe in yourself, and daily persistence will fly you far

Another thing to add, as well as learning everything Spiritual until I was like these guys as a joke:
I read books like Flower of Life Drunvalo, Hands of Light Barbara, and all the reiki, indigenous tribe, Egyptology, etc books in the library. Everything referred to in that video was crystal-clear to me.
My own AdVeNtUrE: I studied Alternate Health and Anatomy at a university as a one year course, then I applied for Chiropractic, and also read the books at 2 libraries about it. They are healerss who are always referred to as the masters of the spine, and they also believe the Central Nervous System (CNS) and brainmatter nerveimpulses are involved so intercconnectedly with thought, almost like DNA healing with a true motivation that "the body can heal itself". If you search "Mctimoney Chiropractic" you can see the flicks, these send nervous impulses that reallign the spine and skeleton, bringing it to health. I slowed the videos down to 0.25 but the practitioners are very too quick with the flicks to have clear shots. I really recommend the treatment too, but I'm just throwing out the subject and the concept which I'm studying at university, and after qigong and ki bending, what motivated me there.

From CharLye iCEM

If you think I'd make a fantastic pyschic or spiritual teacher for yourself or your child, I am happy to visit your house to teach for an express fee in the UK area (after lifts of virus regulations) or by Skype calls. Please get in contact by the comment section or by my fb, youtube, or email.
You will also like the other post I made called "shaoe space and dimensions"

Tuesday 4 June 2019

Post 63 - Mid-year 2019 update

Phone addicts, I have a message for you,

The real screen to see is, I can tell you, it is, when you look up from your phone! Wow! There are shapes and colours, you can see them all around you, even, the light bounces back, naturally. The light is everywhere, no need for a phone, this is not a dark room, for only sleeping in? And there's no phone bill! Pretty amazing? I hope this facinated you, have a nice day! That means, maybe without your phone, in the sunshine silently and sentimentally?

It's a bit sarcastic at the start and the wording pains me there believe me, it's because I pasted it over from what I wrote June 4th 2018, it feels like forever, an older status, let it be 2014? And I don't even feel time drifty, not now-a-days, I've got more intelligent, I just wanted to tell the 'online' honourables that I'm still actively "new content"every day, I'm still here! Like Game of Thrones Season 9, episode 1 is me on my washing line putting pegs in, E2 a guy from Hong Kong joins in, E3 is just to say about
 Algebra Equation: Time =AFreefall/Toxic(x population)(westerndensity)

Take-a-hint: "Money makes you a *slave*"

Buzz word: Blue. EVERYTHING IS BLUE!

E.T. Education -> Reality Check 2hours/day
"Just 'get it'"
- Decode.
- Love, 'love game'.
- White picket fence, the baby pen, a soultrap.
- Analyse and find there's no meaning others have at all!

Episode 4 is the fairyland at the bottom of the garden, Dragons, brownies... That stuff. Talk to the trees and stuff.

I don't believe the show is to watch and 'good' as in mindful - you don't think it is? Yes, just keep to Disney movies.

Keep on it, get optimum court activity!
- XiaoTong (Shyoh-Tang)

Tuesday 26 March 2019

Post 62 - Females buy this, men please buy this for your wife

Disposable sanitary monthly products are costing you, and the planet.

There are reusable ones! I found them on ebay for £1.04 and a box of pads costs £2.50, the news has boadcasted officially that females may spend £10 a period on sanitary (insanity) products. Save your wife?!
The item was named:
Women Cotton Menstrual Period Pads Sanitary Panty Liner Reusable Washable

Video: If you cannot afford period pads (go waste free - environmentally friendly)

If you use tampons, try a "mooncup". There are many brands and one that claims to be the original 'mooncup'. A single silicone/latex cup can last up to a decade, making them much more cost-effective than tampons, (compare $35 to a 10-year supply of tampons costing $650.) I also found a cheap one below £2 on ebay, but I think I paid £20 for mine.

In the United States alone, approximately 12 billion pads and 7 billion tampons are discarded each year. Although physical waste from disposable products is significant, the largest environmental impact of tampons and pads is the processing of raw materials used in their production. In particular, the plastics used in pads and tampon applicators are made out of low-density polyethylene that requires energy-intensive processing. When you consider the whole life cycle of these products, fossil fuel emissions of plastic production damage the environment the most.

The alternatives are made of bamboo or cotton, rather than plastic on your butt, which one would you choose...?

With love, from icem.