Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Post 62 - Females buy this, men please buy this for your wife

Disposable sanitary monthly products are costing you, and the planet.

There are reusable ones! I found them on ebay for £1.04 and a box of pads costs £2.50, the news has boadcasted officially that females may spend £10 a period on sanitary (insanity) products. Save your wife?!
The item was named:
Women Cotton Menstrual Period Pads Sanitary Panty Liner Reusable Washable

Video: If you cannot afford period pads (go waste free - environmentally friendly)

If you use tampons, try a "mooncup". There are many brands and one that claims to be the original 'mooncup'. A single silicone/latex cup can last up to a decade, making them much more cost-effective than tampons, (compare $35 to a 10-year supply of tampons costing $650.) I also found a cheap one below £2 on ebay, but I think I paid £20 for mine.

In the United States alone, approximately 12 billion pads and 7 billion tampons are discarded each year. Although physical waste from disposable products is significant, the largest environmental impact of tampons and pads is the processing of raw materials used in their production. In particular, the plastics used in pads and tampon applicators are made out of low-density polyethylene that requires energy-intensive processing. When you consider the whole life cycle of these products, fossil fuel emissions of plastic production damage the environment the most.

The alternatives are made of bamboo or cotton, rather than plastic on your butt, which one would you choose...?

With love, from icem.