Sunday, 24 February 2019

Post 61 "The Distraction" I'm not at all a complainer, I *warn* you!

Please read in full! Read it like a book that needs to get going to be fully enjoyed: This blogpost is called "The Distraction" and you will know why at the end, like a flicker in the corner of your eye, there is _more to see_ that NOBODY ELSE DOES (ON PURPOSE, it's all of purpose), something terrible, that's actually setting the whole solid picture that _there is less/nothing to see_, and, _the bigger picture with more hidden facts about reality, tells there is more to life_, that is like the *FREEDOM* collaged in childhood dreams.
This is for both rich and poor.

I am telling you this to warn you, because I am a strong intelligent woman that can see and feel and I know from evidence we are in a huge pit of traumatising despair and alarm. I need to openly speak out about how money slavery *reprograms* and affects the mind and the world, back to our own thoughts, that push us and drown us all down into a depression we can't climb out of or swim out of without litteral disposal of evil cult members that has already initiated _behind_ the public view political scene and has been happening over the past few years - the arrest of and life imprisonments of the cabal by GITMO officers and so named "galactic courts", that being the only real way to get out of a confusing/repetitive-tiny-action >maniac< MINDslavery mess. You've got to take a really both hands in cupped position chance just on this one or you are a participant to contribution to the immorally wrong and mindless things, I'm saying this beyond any belief system type but this is an emergency about everyone!

I'll call you an idiot for not knowing: All the money is in one hands, the person at the top. Everybody wants to rule the world, but they are just, only, and forever, working underneath those that set up the money. What is money used for? Only buying products in the shops. They make you needy, for THEIR DOUGH meaning what you (are forced to as a little gamecounter in their Matrix System) work as was already determined by the Money Creators. If you /did/ end up in this higher position... Nope you'd never make-it, you never designed that we'd buy everything from cardboard boxes and plastic trays, and that the streets would be lined by black tarmac, or that cities would have skyscrapers and have infrastructure to build restaurants, and companies/hotels in them - it's all out of your hands, and in THEIRS.
#4minutes #Madonna4Minutes

Furthermore the money is borrowed from the debt from China (search, live debt calculator) so we are spending FROM borrowed debt money, when we get into debt, it is just another layer. Shouldn't this be illegal? No, the Illuminati are the War Criminals that have the position. Now you see. It's not unfair, it's psychopathic, psychopathic all together.

Basically you think you can win this game but you can't. Fame and fortune is just an image that is a mirror to shatter to see the world infront, clean your glasses, we sit upon corruption and go round and round for it:

"Earn it, spend it, £zero to zero£" -  Can I just conclude/stop it there? Everyone knows the 'Never Enough' The Greatest Showman song, you're all deluded working on the checkouts, watching TV, not seeing all the money goes immediately back into the drain.
You /want/ this? You got that.
Earn it to spend it - paper money value
Earn to spend, earn to spend, AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN 70 retire die.

And what are you not getting (then)? What are you not seeking, reaching out for, and craving what is true and real and holds the genuine value you want? I believe that is love as in genuine feelings from the heart, beautiful ONLY love! Feel next to your heart what most softly intuitively says it's right or wrong and Always go with that. Afterall there's value to 'following your heart'.

Warning, never go into debt, and save wisely, I'm certainly not telling you to 'splash cash', you need to do the opposite.

We are stuck going nowhere, starring at the imagery of idols who only 'seem to' make it, a money game, or as Lady Gaga says "a Love Game".
Just analyse the world by the streets/shops/buildings, that's basicly all there is, no mind, no true mind, only the bravery courage and self-disciplined freemind is Ever going to jump out/snap out of Those Three Boxes. Going nowhere? You Are just doing dat "zero to zero in 30 days"!

When you have strengh to go forth to do things, to try a diet, to put on gym gear, they are not just watching you through their advanced secret surveillance technology in masses, but they ridicule you, the worst is yet to come, it's all THEIR GOALS and agenda because they made up the world, in the non-interferance zone, where we are not aware of billions of extraterrestrials waiting to shake our hand, and show us their ship, then tell us the truth. That's why *you must find them first or you never will* - it's the way to [esc] this Maze Runner.

The world CAN work by advanced technology, there's a void wall to the conscious collective mind of the Galaxy, unfortunately most of the persons (called humans) are in a lower trapped dazestate where they do not reach out toward this benevolence. If you want to know what they are like, watch Avatar. This movie was made to highlight that if we went in this unready state (of mind and being) to their planets, we would have Cabal minion aims or goals or way, causing us to be disruptive, the white picket fences and baby pen in totality was made for those who are admittedly... Not ready. Not advanced enough to be completely benevolent with themselves, nature, and the rest, as one heart.

- We'll wake up to the equivalent of 'gambling in Vegas' sotospeakandsee because it's exactly about gambling money because all the prices are manipulation of compromise. I'll explain it to understanding: Since money is as amount, giveandtake is of numberic, it's always going to be *counted* and together with that *allocated* (in your expenditure 'list') and this proves it is limited as like the example. It is owned by the greedy top, and they made it's original price. And also, the fact that the economy is always in terrible shape, demonstrates and shows they are not responsibly distributing and educating about it, never mind 'fixing the world' or ever solving world food crisises, because it's not *available* but banked in trillions+.

And as a “first world country” (a way of saying Westernised, or have a handful more who are rich in comparison to the rest of the global population) the money just falls through your fingers, everytime you shop, or every time you pay a bill… Again and again, if you understand but don't yet know the solution you will feel ‘pretty depressed' by now.

It's a crisis!

"Abundance'' isn't crunching numbers but having a whole bag of grain where each bit does not even matter, you'd have to count each grainbit of sand in the ocean to stackup your individual statistics of expenditure, because in and out comes to dollar after dollar, there's something wrong with the world and how it actually works, and the solidest global explanation has criminal culprits. Dollar sounds like 'dolor' or pain in Spanish, pounds sounds like another word for 'beatings'.

You CAN buy something that could be 70% off because value is just a 'written on' price tags - How much value does each item have to money? It's written on. Just "Affordability". A $20 note is given to a shopkeeper, and the item is $5 so she gets teased with $15 in her hand she has to give back, although it's not hers, and-also it's not her weigh(j)ess either, that only just make ends meet after a loan that's on the country's 72 quadrillion debt, the word expressed is not to invoke laughter but an actual numberical figure of how we float on a platform that's proped up WITH and BY corruption.

The true one poverty is a lack of understanding of this: **You're just <into pre-marked items>, that the power that owns the money (and that is for controlling you) has valued everything (decided values in shops comparible boxes), and made it so you're chasing after things we could righteously do ourselves, you are _robbed_ of...?** I love the idea of free offgrid living and sustainable ecofriendly housing. A house, rent is too high, because the money owners in this "monopoly" own the land too, so you can't build a house, there's no birthright to exist on and have your own land for being born here, it was taken, and you float on top of it, by ($,$)$$,$$$ purchaseonly. THIS is where the revolution of pushing 'the selfishevilgreedytoppower' off! You need to be in complete recognition it's been all taken away from you. You cannot live outside of the usual way, it's simple that no money means no/nothing, although, you are an animate and living person to stay on this planet from birth, to death. You all mistake 'shelter' for (most lovingly and unconditionally) 'home' because you 'earn money' - can you see how these actual criminal gangs run you...? Your children will live your *dammed* legacy...

The way things are, are completely rigged for you to have limited vision to the rest of what could be, due to psychopathic intention that uses "Al machines" to collect data by invisible surveillance and distance thought reading by advanced and horrifyingly dangerous technology that is right now, not in the future. I need to add it's not the power to show in parliament, it's the Cabal or Illuminati that are the hoarding liars in secrecy behind it all that are the ones that need to go to GITMO jail/>prison for doing this. (Yes, this is the solution, to get true and good people to kick the criminals that hide and run the lie...)

- Reality IN THIS "SET UP" (fake construct pinpoint focused for money slavery) can be compared to your life being lived in a shopping mall or supermarket where you are the shop keeper AND the shopper(s). Timelapse of a shop: we go around and around and again and again but it's synthetic and reflects nothing of true nature, it's plain out wrong, I end up overalalysing this so much that everyone looks crazy!

It's like being stuck in a carnival line... The "line" being nothing stepping out of workformoney line - you dance, have costumes, and cars are like floats or bumper cars, there's too many of them that go past each day, car car car, and I'm very mature to say this.

Observe and note everything repetitive that does not have true value other than getting a walk and *additions* towards house work. You all "march" on with fake jolly, and heavily bags of not just shopping but discontorting spite. Because they dress things up and put on a smile, as if everything was right, but it's not, consumers are surely and will-BE deceived on a worldwide scale. The polished shop floors and plasticly bright lights are not healthy to live under, they emit radiation that causes all your health problems. If we don't make a prophetic detrimental cut to the O zone layer that wipes us out, (Watch a movie called Threads, it was a banned BBC documentary about what would happen if a nuclear bomb was dropped in Sheffield, England) the next generation will suffer more. It's a mental health crisis that no-one gets an awaking shudder of knowledge, that we don't progress forwards, the humans wrongfully use resources from the Earth like plastic and bleeched sliced shedded wood paper.

Whilst parents go their '8-4' or '9-5', there's a compulsory and governmental childcare nationally - School.
Here's the Grade 1 to endofhighschool timeline put bleakly |__________| [insert also, a picture of you at a classroom desk] The timeline 'drones' forwards -----> and in your television screen memory, you only absolutely become: The child that starred from the desk. "Short but all in" - This is a dammed-nation in a confusing 'kitty-petted-pet' distortion of reality and *real* dreams. Use your mind!

All we "go" THROUGH is not even fully satisfying your survival mode... And I could tell you for days all of the flaws, as if they were individual items like supermarket items or boxes on shelves. Are you a user or getting used? And how does either of them even o(outline)o freedom? You are too busy chasing money to notice you are not chasing love, or your own mind, or even reality itself, that's why you don't get a jolt of shock when something is wrong and jabbing you in the world. I know the cure.* -

Just overalayse everything, use your mind to think but use your heart to decide, feel in every situation by stopandthought and intuition, 'the spiritual' shows the heart thinks STRONGER than the brain, it's within you, like a physical dantian that's so off the natural tune it never gets heard but is closest to LOVE. You are love... But mindless app games are just part of the matrix, most of them involve timers such as a "9 hour crop" within the game but this is all mechanicly on a machine, relating to life, it is just AN ABYSS! It makes your mind tick, it is like getting a bad nights sleep with ticktock on your mind but it's just a game with pictures and timers, seriously don't bother! It's pixelated machinery. Only lifeless technology.

Children are more timeaware, a program on Sunday night had to be waited every school lesson, the kind ones that appear the babies that desended from Heaven before birth, should remain undirtied, because, working as an adult, timejustpassesby and 'Sunday' justcomesaround, the bad rely on a daze trance to hook you into working numbly for their agenda, which is like slavery. You feel numb to the true world. Feel chikdhood freedom before you never again.
- If we are on this floating platform of money, do you want to be your bank numberical amount, in ^ or in v you become this borrowed loan, loan or solo?

Everyone is 'lonely' when there is overpopulation, because you aren't so cheerful as to wave to each passing /family's/ car, the nature trees were replaced by toxicplasterwalled buildings, the fields had stickyblack tarmac for all the cars to chugglepollute along, and so all the world's structure is basically skyscrapers, houses, shops, cars and transport, other than yourself and leisure to freshen up inbetween, it's a /damp/ world, like having to wear soggy clothing...

You're in this no escape, like an abyss after a blackhole that sucked all the good things like full freedom, virgin nature, and renewables in natural. Furthermore, the systematic setup is like a prison work camp, the leaders mock themselves as being called Hitler and son (Soros, Rockefeller, Roschilds) in secrecy. A sinking Titanic that goes "fantasyicly" illusionally slow so you miss all the headlights coming towards you on that dismal 30 minute drive to work every day on the other side of the road saying EVERYTHING IS THE SAME - You can see this, surely? The copy and paste of buttonup uncomfortable tightfitting shirts and jeans that are all the lines of clothing shops are all I see again and again to the threshold of all experience,  because of the overpopulation, it's not original, every town and city lost culture and 'their true' to Western modernism - copy and paste. I try to wear comfortable nonskinny fit and no buttons because I am almost phobic and petrified of how awful abd unoriginal it looks. That is all there is to life because of the wrong that ordered the building of all this, because of the warcriminalpsychopaths that hide behind plastic and ignorance, andthey armied up because everyone was under them, we've got to get over this, if you're under this you're never going to get over it!

If you Must work for money, and the ones who do not will starve and not pay for a house, is this a type of forced work camp? Yes, and the Cabal are the evil that enforce it.

This isn't *just* propagating about "imagery" for politics, because the big businesses (those supermarkets mentioned) pass laws by more infiltration, it's a huge *lie* that they make, that push boundaries of human rights and planetary damage that comes from their activities. This is the analysis of the way all things work, "what makes the world go round" or the life we are destined to LIVE by rolverrotationing about money than "Personal living," before your death. It's a set up and they have set it up! You will live your whole life, as if time flies, and as if you get to 50 and did not find the meaning of life or how to be truly happy when there are timestill--moments--of--beauty all in nature... *I'd much rather see you on a yot boat by the beach chilling than working in a shop BECAUSE I'M JUST A NICE PERSON!* I'm not the enemy because I present alarming evidence of the truth... Noone should be threatened yet noone should be this ignorant to their own doh-wally way.

Minds are mindless or stumbling zombielikemorons because ultimately this place is made for destruction! The humans that are cogs/parts on a wheel, the reptilorgrayorarchon making it turn fuels a slaveplace for digging and 'consuming' only the glorious life of a planet that should remain untouched.

All your thoughts stream towards this: earn, earn, earn, earn, earn, buy.
I really have come up with how that is so!

What's scary about TV and phone technology is that you are looking at a screen of fake pixelates images, the drone, the moronichypno-state of being, like an into the looking glass of nothing-existence and doom. It's like how debt is actually upon the country's debt upon the global debt, it's a hole with levels in it, like the satanic devils that make this happen possibly. There's nothing true to do! The set up is too deeply fake, you do not have a free habitable home, it's all rectified to the New World plans for matrix non-reality - TV is just a moving picture frame that flashes 24 times a second but is so enjoyable everyone buys it, it's radiation alone is harmful to the brain.

This comes to the point that a more Nichola Tesla free way of life oversurpasses anything from menial imagination...! Please research him up on the web, because his inventions and will, gave him a high reputation.

 But look at all this forecoming evidence of planetary destruction, from monetary activity, that being because of the dark inplementing the order. You are part of their schemes and plans involving you revolving around only their system and financial way which decides your whole living (poverty, riches, every country, is monotoned, monopolied, a mono 1 rule) where all you can do is spend-to-do. You are circulators of their money and circulate around the tarmac street place they made to destroy the whole planet, the resources pollute and mine the Earth dry.

 The world is not just fake but it's ruined by streets or deforestation;
- An area equal to 50 football pitches has been destroyed every minute since 2000 of Amazon rainforest, and the world lost more than one football pitch of forest every second in 2017, I did not make this up!
- Palm oil harvesting was for greedy profit, there was a viral video of an orangutan attempting to attack a vehicle used for logging to try to protect his habitat, which got destroyed.
- The Blue Macau from Rio Movie is all gone. EXTINCTION on the planet is over 60% of it's own species.
- Whaling season in Europe and Asia murders larger sea inhabitants, but the oceans are becoming saturated by microplastic and the great barrier reef is bleeched.

And everything is designed for life to be sucked out of it psychopathicly, *you must save and change the world* - We must stand up to the Illuminati and face them with permanent solution! They are the culprits!

You are INSIDE this mess, like a selotaped up box, just like all the cardboard boxes of food packaging you buy on the shop shelves, you are looked down upon as a tiny ridicule, another box on the supermarket shelf, another cog in the machine, because you go around plasticly, manipulated because you can't do anything other than work 9-5 then have 2 house days, it's a trap! (Withour ET existence, so that needs researching because the benevolents can give us telepathic assistance).

There's this feeling of reputation when people are in clothing and we have varieties of food that come from different countries, to attempt to tempt us into comfort when it is not safe and the way things are set up forces an aged society, believing forwards is better, when it's distorting thought, the 21 year olds that go to work are like elderly and the Wall-E issues with all the fat people stumbling in a paradise ship is what it is because we don't create what's before you, everyone is empty, living in nature like the Avatar people would lead to understanding  of how to really live life, instead we're in a hamster cage, that's in a hamster cage again if you're in a gym. Exercise on public footpaths or join a qigong club instead.

This insane dilemma is more obvious by overpopulation, travel to every city and all you will /find/ are skyscrapers, it is NOT unique or traditional culture, like "Inner Mongolian Yurts". We do not regulate our children for population control ourselves, it's all inside repetition of our way, that crunches us to overwhelming bare minimum numbers:

- ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY BILLION in farm slaughter every year, pigs can learn to count, cows become friendly if tamed on peaceful grazes, sheep can do obstacle courses, and if you've ever picked up CUTE AND FLUFFY baby chicks, you'd feel it's wrong to bring them to slaughter in later life. Butchers cabinets in markets show the brutality of raw flesh from more innocent animals, if something is unable to make a decision, like a baby, the responsibility should have mind about it (you call this 'being a human being')
Cure: become vegan. If you're overweight, fast lunches. Eat simple foods to avoid environmental impact, such as museli and almond milk for breakfast, jam sandwiches for lunch, and potatoes with roasted onions or beans for dinner.

(Over a billion farmed animals in Britain are killed each year in slaughterhouses.
This include over 10 million pigs, over 15 million sheep, 14 million turkeys, 15 million ducks and geese, 982 million broiler chickens, 50 million boiling fowl (including so-called 'spent' hens) and over 2.6 million cattle. Add to that 4.5 billion fish and 2.6 billion shellfish you have a total of over 8 billion animals killed in the UK each year.)

- Cotton pollutes, it releases and doesn't absorb pollutive gasses.
Cure: Avoid buying. If you want to go out for exercise, start a hobby or leisure activity, it's probably a more useful spare time activity than to 'earn to spend'. See places and go on walks in the countryside, take youself to different cities at the weekend (but don't spend!) wear family hand-me-downs or ask your friends to make an arrangement of clothing they don't want, and go to their house for a swap shop, invite her to yours, then do the same.

- Phones are overused. They cause damage to the brain and 5G has caused birds to fall from the sky with burn marks on their tummies (there are news articles about it).
Cure: Never play games on your phone, just use it for basic function and what you need, unless it's to use the internet as required, watch movies on a bigger screen, but I'd 'forget about' having a TV at all, save the license money, make your phone into a projector, and stream movies and watch youtube like that.

- There is ALWAYS A SALE, so don't be addicted, always always buy what you need then don't be into excessive spending, it only clutters the home, a minimalist wins on the money game because they save but don't feel the addictive rush to continuously buy after groceries, hold back in abilitied restraint, walk by 'sales' and let it sail away, *bargains make you addicted*, so always think twice before all purchases, you probably already have enough clothing!

It's supposedly a man's world, and trust me I'm even a woman that understands on heart what a mancave is, but how can you be a real man if you are stuck in shiny consumerism, where all you wrong-bring back home is plastic bags with plastic boxes? You could understand why I would have a dislike for the human race, that never gets to the ones at the top, to actually actually solves their problems. Barbaric savagery is the pirate bay the malevolency done in daylight.

All the listed problems can be listed, take all these 'agendas' and bury them as "all the small things", let better float to the surface! Then: You-Can-Do-It! You will be lead to better, if the mind is blank, chase solutions.

Have your own rules, that are not anyone elses, you think others influence you, so you move by crowd, but each individual only needs one different thought to diverge them onto another path. Don't ask the world for it's offerings, you ask it for it's corrupt way. Instead be stronger and sort every problem with your full strengh to it...

The way that things are 'set up' as-a set-up (you're born to be a shopper, and that comes with all it's social issues) [don't buy it], don't spend into it if you can, don't make expenditure to yourself, don't let shiny billboards, offers, gimics, novelties pull you in, designed to make your head spin like a maniac decision-maker. Life is supposed to be genuinely enjoyed with joy, but you won't live amongst joy if you're greedily plonking after buying things and deliberately chasing purchasable things for the rest of your life, you'd miss yourself, I even, researched atonomy just to know what *I* am made of! Find the mirror that bounces back yourself surrounding you and tell it it's beautiful today, before you get too old!

Each story book, each box of cereal you eat through, isn't going to all of 1: tell you to know yourself, 2: figure out the world, and 3: use your own thinking to make the best life possible personalised by your own and only for your own (this is almost impossible because of the spend-trap).
You are only your own cure.

I nicknamed "LIFE": Lie-F (to live, or I guess, to not live), like, lie falso, since noone else 'gets it'. Slavery is around, even if it's not spoken of expressively, it's covered up. The question is whether you have a rightful mind that's smarter than all this, holding dignity that does not deserve and will transmutate the errors. Poverty cannot be blamed on money, only the culprits that monopolised the limited number to manipulate you, to be a rat in the sewers of their evil.

Democracy vs Ursula (people's true-genuine or poor unfortunate soul contracts)
The lying politicians make promises, you vote for them, they vote for themselves behind the scenes, complaining Russia who might actually be trying to fix things because everything is so entangled in Cabal secrecy that we can't always tell who is the bad or good even with atuned telepathic ability, so we never fight alongside what's really going to assist genuinity and benevolence.
Ursula from the poor unfortunate souls scene makes deals where like a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare [Notice Contradictions] you are too dumstruck and find a deal where it's always compromise, like a weakling, start being a true samaritan and charitable and have your own power to 1- test your intelligence 2- always do better 3- if you made it this far, always pleasantly be happy abd don't get depressed by the huge holes of untrue care within the lie system. Cure: {The Bare Necessities - Jungle Book}

Stop being in belief systems that can evidence nothing, just believe in yourself and your own talking to yourself knowing you-can-never-know 100% of the time! You are living a lie and the only nontoxic is to:
 Research the truth and become antiNWO!
IQ this!: Sale or go it solo? A loan or alone?

System: you get paid to chop trees > trees fill shops for consumerism > 'trees' make furniture in the closeminded 'next to next, next, rows of houses' (if you've never seen this, you've never been out the house, and I tell you, they look just ugly, and not just that, bricks were imported from Draco, creepy right?) This goes on and on, the furniture gets dumped, more trees get chopped (which I recognise are animate life, and so significantly, hold the planet's life ecosystem alive,) makes all this moronic unnatural insanity!

What is all this? You are another/slave/porn in a chess game of unfolding NWO, they can't immediately blow up the planet or take al the citizens for their graay abduction experiments, some of them look like cybermen from Doctor Who and live plugged in to their technology Al machines they attempt warfare accross space with, the agendas of the NWO involve slow planetary destruction (trees drying out, animal extinction, mind control, forced drone lifestyle above) and it's all their plans. Break out and fight against it - that said, this is just the one-way street to be born to die. They aren't just pirates, they *annexed* the planet and the Earth and what's in it for plastic and oil (oil being the blood of the Earth) - it's all in process of a slow suffocating death of getting removed!

Your rights?
The evil ensures they have a tight grip on the law, passing 'business laws' so you can't shake the made-heavy box.
Just a way of life.
That collapses upon corruption!
But they keep the blood running of an unbreathing body.
It's not caring and "they will make a man out of you" is SUCH A LIE because this puffy untruthful way weakens a man who could believe in /himself/, the insecure entrapment just gives your power away, I believe it could even harm gender identity.

Whether you are wealthy and could live luxuriously for life on your current 'bank statement' or living in barren conditions that could be improved only by finances, because the equipment shines in shopwindows, the joke is all on you, for keeping yourself in the slavery-zone on Earth. Use your mind! You can certainly find an exit door to live better if you're really really deserving / surrounded by light.

Besides that, the fact is that we are not here to do any good! The killer murderers are the maniacs that do the dirty work, the ignorants, the Hell inhabitants. Shops and streets and way-to-expendirure, that's alll there is to , MAKE , YOU , MOVE. Angels will not come here.

To sum up : The pop music normally has deeper messages, subliminally concluding we live in a fake temporal and destructive circumstance, and human is not actually descriptive of the 'tricked' but malevolent wanderers.
This is because of the evil that stares down upon the reconstruction of the Earth that ruined natural way and provokes greed from everyone's bad.
Those oblivious to their activities that see a lie but hold value to it, in sunny deception, will keep themselves 'in a line' that dully preserves them as "the workers".

Full Cure: We must standstill the system. It could be possible by martial law and GFL and ET court political power overwriting the current situation in every country and city on Earth!

There are daily updates on another blogspot inteldinarchronicles - but they still seem more fortunate, they have afloatness from extraterrestrials that doesn't match the pitiful desperation of lack poverty potential expressed in /this/ blog, so they dooooo go on, day by day, and state progress, but it drabbles on like 'the news' (they despise 'the media' news, that, is fake) so you won't get a litteral announcement of "GESARA" despite many mentions, because they have grip over the prosperity funds and information about them....

[Do not protest, fully shake their tree by telepathic rebellion! Revenge looks beautiful from good people, like a tiger out the fire!]

Suggested songs (please listen and try to get spidermapped MEANINGS, relate it to reality, connect everything together based on "wrongness")

Melanie Martinez Dollhouse

Halsey Gasoline

Katy Perry Chained to the Rhythm

 (Meet me on the )Battlefield
[iCEM Freedom Fighting vivalarevolution]

Barbie Girl: life in plastic, it's not exactly fantastic, imagination IS- Life is therefore your creation (because, are you a Barbie girl, in a doowallyladidaa world?)

If you're a now very solo alone person in the illuminati, I also have a playlist for you:

New Rules (duality? No, it's just a hint, Dua Lipa...)

Still believe in fairytales...? Find the rest of the Universe!
Everyone is in a daze, they say their purpose of life is to find happiness but it's exoressed correctly in Sempiternal BMTH, there's no reason to hope... Merely nothing truely benevolent because you're enslaved in plastic... Make a simulation theory that this is like a video game that's designed to entice and hook you in, but you jump out of the screen to be the controller of the remote and the player has a larger field of view to decide what to do that's best for your individual. Find where you belong in the entire universe.

Music to be understood______Add your own to 'analyse' next!
From the benevolents, taking it up whilst you haven't recognized what to do...

And if you know ETs exist, you can visit our 'ships' :) Subscribe to premium ICEM!